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Why Use Artificial Turf Over Real Grass?

Artificial turf, also known as synthetic grass or fake grass, has become increasingly popular in recent years as a landscaping option for residential and commercial properties alike. Winnipeg, Manitoba, known for its harsh winters and short summers, can greatly benefit from the installation of artificial turf. Turf 2 Supply is a company in Winnipeg that provides high-quality synthetic grass for a variety of uses. In this blog post, we will explore some of the benefits of using artificial turf in Winnipeg, and how Turf 2 Supply can help you achieve a beautiful, low-maintenance lawn.

Benefits Of Using Artificial Grass In Winnipeg, Manitoba

Artificial Turf  Requires No More Watering or Mowing

One of the biggest benefits of using artificial turf is that it requires no watering or mowing. This is particularly important in Winnipeg, where water is a precious resource and the summers are short. With artificial turf, you can enjoy a green lawn year-round without the hassle of watering or mowing. This is a perfect option for including grass in your indoor designs. 

Winnipeg Artificial Turf

Artificial Turf is Cost-effective

Artificial turf is a cost-effective alternative to natural grass. While the initial installation cost may be higher than that of natural grass, the long-term savings in water bills, maintenance costs, and equipment expenses make it a worthwhile investment. Additionally, artificial turf lasts longer than natural grass, so you won’t have to worry about replanting every few years.

Winnipeg Artificial Turf

Environmentally friendly

In addition to being cost-effective, artificial turf is also environmentally friendly. Because it requires no watering or mowing, it helps to conserve water and reduces air pollution caused by gas-powered lawn mowers. Furthermore, because artificial turf doesn’t require the use of pesticides or fertilizers, it is safer for children and pets to play on. Looking to add a synthetic putting green in your yard or home? This is the perfect option.

Winnipeg Artificial Turf

Low maintenance

Another benefit of using artificial turf is that it is low maintenance. Unlike natural grass, which requires frequent mowing, fertilizing, and weeding, artificial turf requires only occasional brushing and cleaning to maintain its appearance. This means that you can spend more time enjoying your lawn and less time maintaining it.

Synthetic Grass WInnipeg


Artificial turf can be used for a variety of purposes, from landscaping to sports fields. At Turf 2 Supply, we offer a wide range of synthetic grass products that can be used for everything from residential lawns to commercial landscaping projects. Whether you need a small patch of turf for your backyard or a large area for a sports field, we have the product to meet your needs.

Winnipeg Artificial Turf

In conclusion, artificial turf is a practical and cost-effective landscaping option for Winnipeg residents. With its low maintenance requirements, cost savings, and environmental benefits, it’s no wonder that more and more people are choosing artificial turf over natural grass. If you’re considering making the switch to artificial turf, contact Turf 2 Supply today to learn more about our high-quality synthetic grass products and installation services.


Should I use artificial grass in Winnipeg?

Artificial Grass Winnipeg

It is a great option to consider. One of the biggest benefits of using artificial turf is that it requires no watering or mowing. This is particularly important in Winnipeg, where water is a precious resource and the summers are short. With artificial turf, you can enjoy a green lawn year-round without the hassle of watering or mowing.

How do I Install Artificial Turf?

When installing a product like synthetic grass you are going to want to contact a professional because mistakes can be very costly. For free estimates in Winnipeg, Manitoba click here >

Where can I buy artificial turf in Winnipeg?

Turf 2 Supply

Turf 2 Supply is Winnipeg's highest quality synthetic grass supplier. Experience extremely reasonable pricing with long lasting quality products.

How much is artificial grass per square foot?

Turf 2 Supply is the best option with wholesale pricing that ranges from $2.5 - $3.5 per square foot. Typically in Winnipeg, you will find pricing to be between $5 - $6 per square foot when it comes to artificial grass.

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